Sunday, August 22, 2010

a new post

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

14 Month Old Gavin

-Runs around with his diaper off
-Eats a apple whole (doesn't want me to cut it)

-Knows where the park is and will point the way there from our temp. house. If you pass it up with out putting him on the swing, plug your ears.

-Drinks from a water bottle with out any help

-He runs away from you, climbs stairs and dances, dances, dances!

-He loves to wear hats and taps his head, which is sign for hat

-He absoutly has a shoe fetish (like his mommy)

-He 'talks' all day, "Daaada"...

-He knows more signs: socks, cerael, thank you, monkey, please, diaper etc...

-He spins in circles when you try to give him vitamins, with his eyes closed. It's really funny.

big boy sushi.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Gavin is I !!!

Birthday Sushi

Friday, February 06, 2009

What is new with Gavin?

Here's the list:

1. He colors with pens and crayons (then eats the crayon).

2. Brushes his teeth and makes fake spit noises when he is finished.

3. Feeds himself (and usually throws some of it on the ground).

4. Walks around the house pushing anything he can find that will move, his highchair, the step stool, his Pottery Barn chair, boxes...

5. He pulls himself up on anything, even flat walls.

6. He points to what he wants and says ha ha ha.

7. He plays hitting games... which won't be funny in a couple of months from now.

8. He has 6 teeth, 4 on top, 2 on bottom.

9. Call you to come over by yelling ha ha ha.

10. Says hi (ha)when answering the phone (real or fake).

11. Plays catch with daddy. He knows the words 'catch' and 'throw' and follows their actions.

12. He sticks out his tongue when he looks in the mirror? (must be from Aaron's side)

13. Loves the song Patty Cake and Ittsy Bittsy Spider. He claps when you sing them!

14. Makes car sounds (vroom) when he plays with his cars.

15. He prefers to sleep in his highchair with food in his hand over his bed.

16. He turns the tv on and off.

17. He 'talks' all day and says a few words, "dada, ma, vroom (car), da (dog), ha (hi)..."

18. He tries to put on his socks and shoes.

19. He goes in the kitchen and gets all the pots out of the cabinet and puts them on the floor.

20. He dials our German phone and calls?????

21. He can do sign language. He signs "drink, food, more and cat". We are teaching him 7 more signs so in two weeks he will get them.

1 year old sushi.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

La Jolla in December

Thea Kari and Gavi about to slide.

Nona and Gavi pose at BJ's.

The Bay. One of our favorite places.

Daddy and Gavi out for a stroll.

Hey kids I am in here! Look I pulled myself up, see, see, see!

The girls (and babies).

Gotta wear shades.

The Children's Beach, LJ. Another fav!

For those about to rock. I salute you.
Diego sushi.

Sacramento/Modesto 2008

Modesto with the Percivals. Rock'in out!

We visited Kari and the kids in Sacramento.

Nor California Roll

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Aaron's Oregon Family

Cliff and Sue
Great Grandma Armstromg

Gavin's Christmas gift.

Sushi in OR?

Playing Catch-Up, Korea

Here's a look at Korea Fall 2008.

We were stopped frequently for pictures from the locals.

Korean wish tree like the one at my wedding!
Lunch in Nan Dae Moon

Hangul Sushi.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Beached Shark

Here's our California Shark on Halloween. We visited Starbucks, the Chapel's Harvest Fair and the Ikego Fire Station. Watch out he bites!

sharkie sushi.