Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rock'in Out

Gavin went to his first concert tonight. He rocked out to Smash Mouth who had an hour and a half concert in a parking lot on Yokosuka Base. He looked cool in his surfboard cap, skater sweater and camo pants. Gavin sang along with the band during the "Loser" song.

loud sushi.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Poke out your lips, lika this

Gavin has discovered his lips. He loves to poke them out, blow air threw them, vibrating them rapidly, making 'boy' noises. You have to beware while you feed him, at any second, he will poke those lips out, fill his lungs with air and then..blow food at you (all over you). Gavin also pokes out his lips when he is sad. Right before he begins to cry, those lips move forward and the whine comes right after. Believe me he woves his wips!

wipy sushi.

Dos Teeth!

Guess who got two teeth in Korea? Baby Gavi!
Yep, his two bottom teeth are in. So now I guess he'll
ask for a X-Box for Christmas.

teethy sushi.

The Best Buzz on Earth

Starbucks in Korea with my Ama. We are waiting for Apa to bring us our drinks.

Thanks for the drink Apa.

All done.

This is how good it is.
Korean Sushi.

Monday, October 13, 2008

8 Month Akachan

Aaron's list of Gavin's new things:

-He waves to people (especially if they are Japanese)
-He kisses (mommy)
-He creeps (a stage before crawling)
-He can throw a tantrum
-He jumps and kicks on command
-He likes the swing in the playground
-He feeds himself crackers
-He sits in highchairs in restaurants
-He peeks over the top of his crib's railing to see if you are comming

daddy sushi.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Sushi Anyone?

Dinner at the local Sushi Restaurant is my (Kristen's) favorite thing to eat. I craved this place daily when I was in my early pregnancy (but didn't know it). I even broke the news of my pregnancy to the first person outside of my immediate family here to Miss Yuki. And I still have to go here at least once a week to feel, uh, Japanese! I love sushi! Gavin loves visiting the waiters (he thinks he speaking Japanese to them) and watching the sushi on the conveyor belt zoom past us. Aaron loves... uh.. the days we don't eat here, I guess.

2dollar sushi.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

I scream!

Squeeeeky Sushi.