Wednesday, April 29, 2009

14 Month Old Gavin

-Runs around with his diaper off
-Eats a apple whole (doesn't want me to cut it)

-Knows where the park is and will point the way there from our temp. house. If you pass it up with out putting him on the swing, plug your ears.

-Drinks from a water bottle with out any help

-He runs away from you, climbs stairs and dances, dances, dances!

-He loves to wear hats and taps his head, which is sign for hat

-He absoutly has a shoe fetish (like his mommy)

-He 'talks' all day, "Daaada"...

-He knows more signs: socks, cerael, thank you, monkey, please, diaper etc...

-He spins in circles when you try to give him vitamins, with his eyes closed. It's really funny.

big boy sushi.