Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New Way to Bounce

Instead of bouncing like Fisher Price intended, Gavin has decided to make a game of flipping out of the bouncer. This is the real way to play!

Bouncing Sushi.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Here's Look'in at You Kid

A snapshot of sushi.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Zoom zoom Zoom

Faster than a speeding bullet.. here comes Aaron and Gavin in our new orange BOB Jogging Stroller! It rides like butter, smooth. We have been going on family walks around our base and city (Zushi). The stroller has huge tires and great shocks, it takes bumps in the road with ease. Curbs, no problem the BOB can take them all. So if you happen to see an orange streak go by you... it may by a bird or a plane or it may just be Gavin in the orange "bullet".

Speedy Sushi

Oh Fart

What's the deal with boys and farting? Do they ever get over the idea that farting is hilarious? I don't believe so. Just fart in a public place and see how many men will turn around to laugh at you. Well, besides passing gas as loud as he can in church, Gavin has begun making farting noises with his mouth! Aaron and I have to keep checking to see if he really did something in his pants or if it's coming from his mouth! I know I'll change a clean diaper one of these days because of Gavin's potty mouth. He gets his whole face into this new art. Gavin will poke out his lips (lika this)and blow with all his might (lika dat). It's pretty funny. What can I say?
Stinky Sushi

Fish Out of Water

Fish out of water, fish out of water! Gavin has a new game that he started this past week. When you stick him in his car seat, your arms, your lap, his swing, his bumbo seat, pretty much what ever... he does all he can to jump out of it!!! He places his feet down and lifts up his fat tummy causing his body to jump, jump, flip, flip oh what fun it is! If he's not strapped in, beware. Just like a fish out of water, Gavin's all over the place.

Jumping Sushi!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Heavenly Yoga

Thursday Angel Gavi and I went to 'Mommy and Baby Yoga'. Gavin had his angel wings on so he could remind everyone that his mom thinks he's a God-send. We had a great time stretching, singing and playing around on our yoga mat! There were about 7 other babies there including Gavi's girl, Eliana. We were sandwiched between two 8 month old babies who liked escaping from their mom's mats so they could come over to play with Gavi.
Gavin and I could do most of the stretches together but there were a couple we could not do because a certain someone is too heavy to repetitively lift up and down.

We were given a scarf as a manipulative for an exercise where the mom bends over baby and sweeps him in an arm stretch. Of course I get to sweep Gavi a total of three times because he decided on the fourth sweep he was going to grab onto the scarf and not let go! As a matter of fact, we had a hard time giving the scarf back to our teacher because Gavin wanted to keep it! Glad we wore those 'reminder' wings!

Holy Sushi.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Party on Thursdays!!!

Aint no party like a NB party because a NB party never stops! Yo, party at our cribs!

Our Thursdays have become newborn party days. Anyone under the age of 12 months is invited. Mommies are aloud to tag along too. After all, who else can you find to be a chauffeur, chief, cleaning lady and a kissing machine all in one person. Gavin has been chill'in with his dogs Rohan, Eliana and Elise. While the mommies holla at each other,"what up girlfriend," the babies exchange toys for the afternoon. So far Gavin played with Eliana's pod seat, Elise's exersaucer and Rohan's bouncer. He's getting around! He has had a great time hang'in at each of their cribs. Liv'in for Thursdays!
A piece of sushi.

Visit with Shayla

Kristen and Gavin were blessed to meet Gavin's new friend Shayla Wilimina Rood (Dacanay). Esther, Dave and his parents came to Yokosuka from Camp Zama for Shayla's doctor's appointment. We meet them at Chilies for lunch. Shayla is about a month old and she weights a cute 6 pounds 8 ounces. Esther looks wonderful and Dave is a dad who changes diapers!!! They couldn't believe how huge Gavin has gotten. Dave thinks Gavin's so big he could 'eat Shayla"! He's funny. They are all adorable.

California sushi.

Run Away Train

Gavin on a Japanese train! Saturday we went to Yokohama for the afternoon. We shopped at Queen's East Mall and ate dinner at Hard Rock Cafe. Dessert was at Coldstone. It was a fun day (especially if I don't mention that Gavin cried for the duration of the train ride back home).
A nibble of sushi.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Welcome to Our Japanese Sushi

Gavin is almost 5 months old. Can you believe it? Aaron and I are astonished at all the new things he does every day. Last week we finally received his bouncer (I ordered it in May). Since Aaron put it together and sat Gavin in it, he has been practicing his kicking and reaching skills. He has begun to kick whenever he likes something, gets excited or is having his diaper changed. He's a kicking machine!

Gavin also has learned to grab. Just place a finger in his reach and I guarantee he will take it and place it in his mouth. I have to be careful with my hanging earrings and hair! Sunday he grabbed his little 3 month old friend, Eliana. Lock up your daughters!

Along with the new skills of kicking and grabbing, Gavin has learned to flip over. Yeah!!! I placed him on his tummy in his activity mat. He began to fuss after a minute of laying on his belly so I ran over to pick him up but he flipped himself over before I could reach him. Who knew he could do that? Kicking, grabing and flipping, what a big boy!

A bite of sushi.