Monday, July 07, 2008

Welcome to Our Japanese Sushi

Gavin is almost 5 months old. Can you believe it? Aaron and I are astonished at all the new things he does every day. Last week we finally received his bouncer (I ordered it in May). Since Aaron put it together and sat Gavin in it, he has been practicing his kicking and reaching skills. He has begun to kick whenever he likes something, gets excited or is having his diaper changed. He's a kicking machine!

Gavin also has learned to grab. Just place a finger in his reach and I guarantee he will take it and place it in his mouth. I have to be careful with my hanging earrings and hair! Sunday he grabbed his little 3 month old friend, Eliana. Lock up your daughters!

Along with the new skills of kicking and grabbing, Gavin has learned to flip over. Yeah!!! I placed him on his tummy in his activity mat. He began to fuss after a minute of laying on his belly so I ran over to pick him up but he flipped himself over before I could reach him. Who knew he could do that? Kicking, grabing and flipping, what a big boy!

A bite of sushi.


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