Saturday, August 02, 2008

Food Glorious Food

Will whine for food! Okay, so all the signs have been shown. According to the four baby books I have been reading I should see the following when Gavin is ready to eat:

-Looks interested in what you’re eating
-Reaches for the food on your plate
-Wants to be fed when you are eating…
-They forgot to add, tries to eat his own hand off when no food is given.

So I was trying to wait until Gavin was 6 months to feed him solid food. Waiting until then is supposed to have great benefits for the child, one of them is cutting down on childhood obesity. Hold out for childhood obesity? Really? Gavin is not a small baby. I might as well throw in the towel and hand him a doughnut. I’m kidding of course. I know he’s big now but I’ve already decided that he’s going to participate in the 2028 Olympics. Better start getting in shape now, protein shakes here we come.

Our first attempt at solid food was not the best. Poor Gavin was strapped down in his new highchair by a daddy that has been waiting to use it since Gavin was 4 months in the womb. Needless to say, he was confused and a little bit scared. I’m sure the only thing on his mind was “get me out of here”! He took a couple of bites of rice cereal. Yeah! He ate about a teaspoon. Victory?
FYI: His 2nd and 3rd feedings went well. Here’s the proof…
A drop of sushi


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